
TV Show Posters

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  • Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose 150 Points! Choose wisely...
    +150 Points!
  • Play one round of scissors, paper, stone with the other team. Winner gets 150 points, loser minus 150 points!
  • Name the TV show
    Peeking Blinders
    Peaky Blinders
    Peeky Blinders
    Pecking Blinders
  • Which of this is NOT a common mistake when answering Feeling Question Types in Comprehension?
    Identifying feelings from irrelevant parts of the passage
    Identifying feelings of other characters
    Not choosing the difficult word blindly.
    The connotation of word chosen does not match with the story
  • Name the TV show
    Wonder Woman
  • Name the TV show
    Rick and Morty
  • Do 10 squats for 50 points!
  • Name the TV show
    The Flash
  • For 'as well as', do we focus on the first or second subject?
    First subject
  • Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose 150 Points! Choose wisely...
    + 150 Points
  • Give an example of a sign-off for formal letters!
    Yours Sincerely, Yours Truly, Best Regards
  • Name the TV show
    Squid Game
    Avatar The Last Airbender
    Stranger Things
  • Name the TV show
    Adventure Time
  • Name the TV show
    Bob’s Waffles
    Spongebob Squarepants
    Peppa ***
    Bob's Burgers
  • Name the TV show
  • Play one round of scissors, paper, stone with the other team. Winner gets 150 points, loser minus 150 points!
  • Name the TV show
    My Hero Academia
  • Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose 150 Points! Choose wisely...
    - 150 Points!
  • Name the TV show
    Demon Slayer
  • Which type of question is this: We heard the boy _____________________ for help as we were walking past the library.
    King's Spy
    Wonder Woman
    None of the above
    King's Rule
  • Fill in the blank with the correct answer: John, as well as his cousins, ________ to play Roblox.
  • Name the TV show
    Dragon Ball 2024
    Dragon Ball X
    Dragon Ball Z
    Dragon Ball Super
  • Name the TV show
    Duck Tails
    Duck Sails
    Duck World
  • Name the TV show
    No Piece
    Two Pieces
    One Piece
    Three Pieces
  • Name the TV show
    Paw Patrol
  • Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose 150 Points! Choose wisely...
    -150 Points!
  • Name the TV show
    Dora the Explorer
  • Name the TV show
    Powerpuff Girls
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    DC Marvel