
Nose by Dr Binocs - B5 review

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  • What does "inhale" mean?
    Breathe the air in.
  • What does "exhale" mean?
    Breathe the air out.
  • What are boogers made of?
    Germs and ****.
  • Why can we smell things around us?
    because of the Olfactory Epthilium
  • What organ interprets the smell signals sent by the olfactory nerve?
    the Brain.
  • What is the septum made of ?
  • Name 3 unpleasant smells
  • What is the name of the two entrance points of the nose?
  • What are the main function of our nose?
    Breathe and smell
  • How do we call the space that connects your nose to the back of your throat?
    Nasal Cavity
  • What's the name of the wiggly wall that separate the nostrils?
    The Septum
  • What does "anosmia" mean?
    The inability to perceive odor.
  • Name 3 pleasant smells
  • How did Dr. Binocs realize he almost burnt his food?
    He smelt the smoke.