
Charlotte Doyle Part 1 (Chapters 1-12)

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  • What does Zachariah give Charlotte in chapter 8?
    A pair of pants and a shirt similar to the crew's clothing.
  • What does Captain Jaggery do to Mr. Cranick when he confronts the crew about the mutiny?
    He shoots Mr. Cranick in the chest with a musket and kills him.
  • What does Charlotte want to get from her trunk?
    Fresh clothes and books.
  • On the first few days of the voyage, how did Charlotte feel physically?
    She was seasick.
  • Why doesn't Charlotte tell the captain about what happened in top cargo?
    She is not sure if she saw another person down there and does not want Jaggery to think that she is a troublesome, foolish girl.
  • At the end of chapter 4, what does Charlotte agree to do for the captain?
    She agrees to be his eyes and ears on the ship, to spy on the crew and report to him.
  • Who took care of Charlotte while she was seasick?
    Zachariah took care of Charlotte and the captain visited her regularly.
  • Name the protagonist of the novel.
    Charlotte Doyle
  • What is the name of the ship Charlotte will be sailing on?
    The Seahawk
  • Why does Charlotte trust the captain and enjoys being in his presence?
    He is from a higher social class than the sailors. He acts like a gentleman. He is confident and professional. He reminds her of her father.
  • Where is Charlotte traveling to?
    Providence, Rhode Island, USA
  • When Charlotte goes to get a needle for Ewing, what does she see in the crew's quarters that she reports to Captain Jaggery?
    A pistol, a round robin and an one man too many.
  • What is Zachraiah's punishment?
    Whipping. Mr. Hollybrass is to give him 50 lashes.
  • Who is the man who takes Charlotte to the ship?
    Mr. Grummage
  • Who is the author of The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle?
  • What happens when Charlotte takes the whip from Mr. Hollybrass and how does Captain Jaggery react ?
    She cuts Captain Jaggery's face with the whip, and he grabs the whip from her and beats Zachariah without mercy.
  • What does Charlotte see in top cargo that scares her?
    A face carved in a huge, brown nut.
  • Why wouldn't the porter carry Charlotte's trunk all the way to the ship?
    The porter is afraid of Jaggery and refuses to go anywhere near Jaggery's ship.
  • What does Captain Jaggery do when Charlotte apologizes to him in chapter 12?
    He tells her that she is no longer under his protection.
  • Who gave Charlotte the dirk and why?
    Zachariah gave her the dirk so she could protect herself.
  • In chapter 12, why are the men gathered around a hammock?
    They are holding somekind of funeral for Zachariah before heaving his body into the ocean.
  • Where is Charlotte traveling from?
    Liverpool, England
  • Who is the stoaway and where did he hide at first?
    The stowaway is Mr. Cranick and at first, he hid in the hold.
  • Who is punished for the mutiny to set an example for the crew?
  • Why does Charlotte tell Capatain Jaggery that Mr. Grummage is the one who gave her the dirk?
    She did not want to get Zachariah in trouble.
  • What does Charlotte decide to do at the end of chapter 12?
    She puts on the clothes that Zachariah gave her and decides to join the crew.
  • Why does the crew want revenge on the captain?
    Because he severely injured Mr. Cranick on the previous voyage and because he overworks and mstreats the crew.
  • What makes Charlotte's cabin uncomfortable? Describe the cabin (2 aspects).
    The cabin is too small (6 feet long/4 feet high). There is no furniture. There are no portholes (no light). There are roaches.