
can, be able to, could

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  • I _________ (not able) make dinner yet. The baby hasn't stopped crying.
    haven't been able to
  • The doctor _________ (able) see you right now. He has another appointment.
    isn't able to
  • He's very happy now that he ____ (has been able to / could) find a new job. He starts tomorrow.
    has been able to
  • Fortunately, the firefighters _________ (able) rescue the cat that was trapped in the tree.
    were able to
  • She __________ (not able) do any shopping because she forgot her money.
    wasn't able to
  • I'm much better now. I should ________ (be able to / can) walk in a couple of days.
    be able to
  • We ___________ (haven't been able to / could) go on holiday this year. We don't have enough money.
    haven't been able to
  • She ________ (able) to walk since she was 10 months old.
    has been able to
  • I forgot to bring my phone so, I ____ (wasn't able to / couldn't) call you.
    wasn't able to / couldn't
  • It was a very difficult football match. But, in the end, we ____ (were able to / could) beat the other team.
    were able to / could
  • Have you spoken to Jane yet? No, her phone must be off. I _______ (not able) talk to her yet.
    haven't been able to
  • We need someone who _________ (can / is able to) speak English very well.
    can / is able to
  • Will you ________ (able) come to my wedding?
    be able to
  • It was very hard for her to remember the past and she _________ (wasn't able to / couldn't) tell us what happened.
    wasn't able to / couldn't
  • He ____ (wasn't able to / couldn't) speak until he was 3 years old.
    wasn't able to / couldn't
  • He ________ (wasn't able to / couldn't) speak to her because she wasn't there.
    wasn't able to / couldn't
  • I looked in every shop for some new shoes. Finally, I ________ (was able to / could) find a pair in the very last shop!
    was able to / could
  • When we were young, we used ________ (to be able to / can) play football on the street. There are too many cars to do that now.
    to be able to
  • The experts say that everyone _________ (able) learn another language.
    is able to
  • You need _______ (able) swim if you want to go diving.
    to be able to
  • He ________ (could / was able to) speak before he learned how to walk.
    could / was able to
  • Now that she has lived in her own apartment for the last 3 months, she ____ (is able to / can) cook really well.
    is able to / can
  • I _________ (not able) accept the job because it was too far away.
    wasn't able to
  • Although the boat caught fire, everyone _______ (was able to/could) escape.
    was able to / could
  • _________ (I can't / I'm not able to) call him because my cell is dead. I need to charge it.
    I can't / I'm not able to
  • I'm sorry that I _________ (not able) to come to the theatre with you last night.
    wasn't able to
  • We will be on vacation next month so we ________ (not able) go to your party.
    won't be able to
  • When I go to Malta next month, I _______ (able) practise my English.
    will be able to
  • We ____ (weren't able to / couldn't) do the English exercises. They were too difficult.
    weren't able to / couldn't
  • I'm very tired. I ______ (haven't been able to / couldn't) sleep recently.
    haven't been able to