
Social Inferences

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  • You work at a fast food restaurant. They person ordering seems like they're in a hurry. What should you do?
    relevant social inference
  • You brought a bunch of coins from home to pay for your lunch. You are trying to count them to pay for your food, but you keep getting distracted. How does the cashier feel? How do the students behind you feel?
    relevant social inference
  • You get home from school and you drop your book bag, kick off your shoes, and use several dishes to make a snack. When your parent gets home, they say, "It looks like a tornado went through here." Why did they say that?
    relevant social inference
  • Someone is looking at you for what seems like too long. Why might they be looking at you? What could you say?
    relevant social inference
  • You're leaving the house and your parent says, "It's 38 degrees out this morning." What are they telling you?
    relevant social inference
  • You glanced over your notes for your test tomorrow and are now watching YouTube videos. Your parent says, "I'm glad you've got your nose to the grindstone." What do they mean?
    relevant social inference
  • Your friend isn't eating lunch, but he keeps sighing and saying, "I'm so hungry." Why isn't he eating?
    relevant social inference
  • Your parent got home late from work and still managed to make the family dinner. They seem tired and stressed. What could you do after you eat your dinner? Why?
    relevant social inference
  • You walk into your kitchen and your parents immediately stop talking. Why do you think they stopped talking?
    relevant social inference
  • You're working on a study guide and the person next to you keeps asking if you understand the material. Why?
    relevant social inference
  • Your teacher tries to get the class's attention, but everyone is still talking. She stands at the front of the room and doesn't say anything? Why?
    relevant social inference
  • Your teacher is handing back your English essays and she seems like she is in a great mood. How do you think the class overall did on their essays?
    relevant social inference
  • Someone in your class that you talk to almost every day asks you for your phone number. Why?
    relevant social inference
  • Your teacher is reviewing for a test and keeps saying some phrases really loudly while looking very intensely at the class. Why is she doing this?
    relevant social inference
  • A friend you eat lunch with is suddenly eating at another table and is avoiding talking to you. Why?
    relevant social inference
  • Your friend comes out of talent show auditions and says, "I feel like I could fly." What does she mean?
    relevant social inference
  • Your mom tells you what you're doing this weekend. You say, "sounds like as much fun as a dentist appointment." What type of weekend does your mom have planned?
    relevant social inference
  • You want to get your driver's permit but your parent says that you'll get it when you show you're ready for it. What could you do?
    relevant social inference
  • You are talking to someone and you notice that they wrinkle their nose and take a step back. Why might they have done that?
    relevant social inference
  • You tell a joke that everyone laughs at. You tell a similar joke next. People don't laugh as much. Why?
    relevant social inference