
13 Story Treehouse (Ch 1 - 4 questions)

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  • Did Andy and Terry tell the truth about what happened to Silky?
  • Where did Andy and Terry work before they were at the Tree House?
    The monkey house
  • What does it do?
    vaporizes vegetable
  • Why did Andy and Terry want to "lay low" from Jill?
    They turned her missing cat into a bird
  • Why was Terry painting the cat?
    He wanted to turn it into a bird/catnary
  • What does Andy like to do?
  • Why does Jill go to Andy and Terry's house?
    She is looking for her cat
  • Who did Terry think was calling on the phone?
    Silky the cat
  • What is happening to the cat?
  • What happened to the cake?
    It exploded/explodes
  • Who is Andy and Terry's neighbor?
  • What kind of sharks are they?
    man-eating sharks
  • What animal does Jill NOT have at her house?
  • What is something the treehouse DOES NOT have?
    A computer room
    a bowling alley
    a see-through swimming pool
    a kitchen
  • What was the worst part about working at the monkey house?
    Grooming the monkeys
    Cleaning the ****
    Faking to be monkeys
  • Why is it special?
    It's filled with lemonade
  • What special name do they give the flying cat?
  • What do Andy and Terry like to do together?
    Build Treehouses
    Run races
    Play tricks
    Make books
  • What does it do?
    Make things big/giant
  • What happened to Mr. Big Nose when he got angry?
    His nose got bigger
  • Who was Mr. Big Nose?
    Andy and Terry's teacher.
    Andy and Terry's father.
    Andy and Terry's publisher.
  • What does Mr. Big Nose want?
    He wanted the book they promised a year ago.
  • Where do Andy and Terry live?
    In a treehouse
  • What happened to Silky?
    She's the cat Terry threw off the deck/she turned into a catnary
  • What does Terry like to do?
  • What was Terry doing to the cat?
    Painting it yellow
  • What did Jill want to put on Andy and Terry's tree?
    A missing cat poster
  • What does it do?
    shoots marshmallows when people are hungry
  • What happened when Terry through the cat off the deck?
    The cat grew wings and flew away
  • What is Jill's cat's name?