
inference riddles

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  • I live outside and in houses. People try to get rid of me. You can find me on the walls or ceilings. I have a long tongue. I eat bugs.
    gecko or lizard
  • I'm white. I'm fluffy. You can put me on a stick. You can put me over a fire and I get gooey.
  • I'm brown. I taste yummy. I'm shaped like a triangle. People put something sweet inside of me.
    ice cream cone
  • You can find me in a classroom. I am made of metal. I am dangerous. You need me for some assignments.
  • I'm usually rectangle. I am very important to people. I am used every day. I am helpful in an emergency.
  • I'm colorful. I'm loud. I light up the sky in July. I'm sparkly.
  • I'm yellow. I'm funny. I cook burgers. I live in the ocean. My best friend is pink.
  • I am clear. I am circle. Kids love me. I can pop.
  • I have metal parts. Some people need me everyday. I am worn on the face. I break easily.
  • I'm brown. I'm made of cardboard. Shoes can fit inside of me. I'm used when someone moves from one house to another.
  • I am hard on the outside. I am soft on the inside. I break easily. People sometimes paint on me for a holiday.
  • You can find me in every classroom. You can put things inside of me. I come in different colors and designs. You take me home.
  • I'm loud. I don't have windows. You need a helmet to ride me.
  • I'm round. I'm made of rubber. You need me to move. There are usually 4 of me.
  • I'm green. Some animals eat me. I'm sometimes in burgers.
  • I am gigantic. People are scared of me. I no longer exist in 2024. My bones still exist in places.
  • I am a liquid. You can't drink me. I smell weird. You need me to move from place to place.
  • I am a place. People are usually quiet in me. I am loud. You have to pay to go to me. You can find me at the mall. I have a lot of chairs in me.
  • I'm green and brown. I eat plants. People can't touch me or else they'll get in trouble. I move slowly.
  • I'm a predator. I live in the ocean. I eat anything in the water. I have stripes.
    tiger shark
  • I'm flat. I'm gray. I live in the ocean. I have a long tail. I don't have arms or legs.
    sting ray
  • I'm in every classroom. You can put a lot of things in me. I get emptied at the end of the day.
    trash can