
Gradable and ungradable adjectives

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  • I was utterly / very / completely freezing when I went out this morning
    utterly & completely
  • Is the water cold? Yes, it's...
    Yes, it's freezing
  • The tour of the temples was absolutely good / brilliant / excellent
    brilliant & excellent
  • Is the book interesting? Yes, ....
    Yes, it's fascinating
  • Was the flat dirty? Yes, ...
    Yes, it was filthy
  • Was she happy with the present? Yes, ...
    Yes, she was delighted
  • Is the soup hot? Yes, ...
    Yes, it's boiling
  • Is the bedroom small? Yes, ...
    Yes, it's tiny
  • Was the teacher angry? Yes, ...
    Yes, she was furious
  • The view from the hillside was quite / very / completely amazing
    quite &completely
  • The food in that restaurant is really / utterly / quite bad
    really & quite
  • Were you surprised that she passed the test? Yes, ...
    Yes, I was amazed
  • I'm rather / utterly worried about flying for the first time
  • Was the film good? Yes, ...
    Yes, it was fantastic
  • Are the children hungry? Yes, ...
    Yes, they're starving
  • My trip to India was really / so / totally interesting
    reallyh & so
  • Were you tired after the exam? Yes, ...
    Yes, I was exhausted
  • Is your suitcase big? Yes, ...
    Yes, it's enormous
  • Are you afraid of snakes? Yes, ...
    Yes, I'm terrified
  • Visiting the Iguazu Falls was absolutely/ slightly amazing
  • Are you sure that she is coming? Yes, ...
    Yes, I'm positive