
Reporting Verbs B2

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  • JOHN: 'Give me the money or I'll shoot you, Peter'
    John THREATENED to shoot John if he didn't give him the money
  • JOHN: 'I'm sorry I couldn't go to your party, Mary'
    John APOLOGISED FOR not going to Mary's party
  • MARY: 'For the thousand time, Peter, leave me alone!'
    Mary BEGGED Peter to leave her alone
  • PETER: 'Can I help you, John?'
    Peter OFFERED to help John
  • PETER: 'I'm sorry I forgot your birthday, John'
    Peter APOLOGISED FOR forgetting John's birthday
  • MARY: 'I got a 10 in English! I'm so proud of myself1'
    Mary BOASTED ABOUT getting a 10 in English
  • JOHN: 'You have to come to my party, you have to, Mary!'
    John INSISTED ON Mary going to his party
  • MARY: 'Ok, I'll look after the children'
    She AGREED to look after the children
  • MARY: 'This lesson is impossible to understand!'
    Mary COMPLAINED that the lesson was impossible to understand
  • PETER: 'I'll tell mum that you broke the plate, John'
    Peter THREATENED to tell mum that John had broken the plate
  • MARY: 'I'll call you tomorrow, Peter'
    She PROMISED to call Peter the following day
  • MARY: 'You are going to fail your exam because you haven't studied, Peter'
    Mary PREDICTED that Peter was going to fail his exam because he hadn't studied
  • JOHN: 'I'm a better swimmer than you, Mary'
    John BOASTED ABOUT being a better swimmer than Mary
  • MARY: 'We could go for a walk'. JOHN: 'OK, let's do that'
    John AGREED to go for a walk with Mary
  • MARY: 'We could go for a walk'. JOHN: 'OK, let's do that'
    Mary CONVINCED John to go for a walk
  • PETER: 'Please, please, Mary, don't leave me!'
    Peter BEGGED Mary not to leave him