
Life Plans

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  • What bad habit you love having in your schedule?
  • What is your lifetime dream?
  • What activity do you really want to try or learn?
  • What hobby do you enjoy doing? Do you do it everyday?
  • Do you plan your entire week ahead?
  • What do you want to do tomorrow?
  • Is there any activity you want to stop doing in the future?
  • Do you consider your schedule busy?
  • Talk about 1 activity you WILL AVOID FOREVER
  • What was the last book you read?
  • Do you sleep early or late? Why?
  • Tell us about 3 boring activities you did last week
  • What activity did you postpone last week?
  • How many hours do you spend relaxing every day?
  • What do you want to do in the future?
  • Where do you want to travel before you die?
  • Do you wake up late or early? Why?
  • Tell us about the 3 best things you did this month
  • What did you do last tuesday at 7 pm?