
Passive - Future simple

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  • Transform into passive: I will take the dog for a walk.
    The dog will be taken for a walk.
  • Transform into passive: The police will show a picture of the victim.
    A picture of the victim will be shown by the police.
  • Complete the sentence: The meeting _________ (not attend) by hundreds of people.
    won't be attended
  • Active or passive? Millions of trees will be planted in the next few years.
  • Kamilla will buy the Bluberry bubble tea.
    The bubble tea will be bought by Kamilla
  • Transform into passive: When will they bring the games?
    When will the games be brought?
  • Transform into passive: They won't repair the bridge.
    The bridge won't be repaired.
  • Illia will choose new team next game.
    The new team will be choosen..
  • Complete the sentence: The leftovers ________ (put) in the fridge.
    will be put
  • Transform; Stas will buy a new computer.
    A new computer will be bought (by Stas)
  • Active or passive? Gleb will not invite me to the party.
  • Transform into passive: We will put solar panels on the roof.
    Solar panels will be put on the roof.
  • Active or passive? Will this newspaper be published tomorrow?
  • Transform into passive: Will they provide food during the festival?
    Will food be provided during the festival?
  • Complete the sentence: The tickets _________ (give) to me.
    will be given
  • Anna will choose new character in Genshin impact
    The new character will be chosen
  • Complete the sentence: The washing up __________ (do) tonight.
    will be done
  • Active or passive? Arseniy will clean the windows.
  • The kids ____ ____ picked up by my mother tomorrow.
    will be
  • Transform into passive: They will give a prize to the winner.
    A prize will be given to the winner.