
Saint Patrick´s Day!!

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  • Was St. Patrick a saint?
    No, Saint Patrick was never actually canonized by the Catholic Church
  • What was St. Patrick’s Day originally meant to celebrate?
    It was a day honoring Saint Patrick for introducing Christianity to Ireland in the fifth century.
  • Why are rainbows associated with St. Patrick's Day?
    A rainbow is a symbol of the covenant between God and the people on Earth.
  • The most popular drink to have on St. Patrick’s Day is:
  • What mythological being is a part of St. Patrick's Day lore and Irish culture?
  • Do an Irish dance!
  • Before becoming a priest, Saint Patrick was abducted and brought to Northern Ireland at what age?
  • When is Saint Patrick´s Day celebrated?
    March 17
  • What major Catholic holiday does St. Patrick’s Day occur during?
  • Saint Patrick wasn't actually Irish like many think. Where was he believed to have been born?
  • Three-leafed shamrocks were believed to be used by Saint Patrick to explain what?
    The Holy Trinity
  • Where is the home of the biggest Saint Patrick’s Day celebration in South America?
    Buenos Aires