
Native American Review

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  • What is this showing?
    The three sisters: corn, bean, and squash
  • What are arrowheads made of?
    Flint or obsidian
  • What was a common difference between Native American tribes?
    Consistent settlement patterns
    Similar clothing styles
    Different Languages
  • What is the name commonly used to describe the first peoples of North America?
    Native Americans
  • What animal is this?
    Whooly Mammoth
  • What is a powwow?
    A traditional Native American dance
    A Native American political council
  • What is a close relative to Whooly Mammoths?
  • What was culutural significance of mounds?
    It was a burial ground and a community and Social Gathering place.
  • What were the "three sisters"
    Corn, Beans, and Squash
  • What was this mound made in the shape of?
    A snake
  • Why did the Bering Strait turn into a land brige 30,000 years ago?
    It was during an Ice Age
  • What is culture?
    Beliefs, laguages, behaviors, customs, traditions, and way of life
  • What is a primary source?
    An artifact or a person who experienced the event first hand
  • What was hand carved in many native american cultures?
  • What is this?
    An arrowhead
  • Who sailed the great big blue in 1492
    Christopher Columbus
  • What was a common tool that was used to hunt animals with in many native cultures?
    Bow and arrow
  • What was the land brige called that Native Americans walked over on?
    Bering Stait / Beringa