
Gulf Spill Superheroes

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  • what is the SWORD device
    It is a small craft called a catamaran. The catamaran has mesh bags hung between its two pontoons
  • What did the responders do?
    They collaborated with NASA, meteorologists, pilots, and their crews. These groups looked at the spill from satellites in the sky, studied the weather, and took
  • in which year the story hapend
  • How did they solve the problem?
    They created the SWORD device that scooped up oil as it moved
  • What is the meaning of a main idea 👌
    the main idea is the big idea or what the story is mostly about👍👍👍👍👍
  • What is the main idea of the story?
    People with different jobs worked together in the water to plug up the damaged well
  • How long did it take for the damaged well to be plugged up?
    3 months
  • What problem did the responders have?
    From the water, it was hard to see where the oil was spreading.