
The art of giving feedback - Vocab review

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  • buy-in
    the fact of agreeing with, accepting or supporting something that another person suggests or does
  • defensive
    very anxious to challenge or avoid criticism
  • misinterpret
    form an incorrect understanding of something that is said or done
  • What is meant by "Data Point" in the four-part formula?
    cut out ‘blur words’ and give specific explanations. Important to specify the behaviour we want the person to increase or diminish.
  • What is meant by "Micro-Yes" in the four-part formula?
    Ask a short, important question to show feedback is coming. E.g. ‘Do you have 5 mins?’ etc. This acts as pacing tool and offers buy-in.
  • What is meant by "Impact statement" in the four-part formula?
    Explain exactly how the data point impacted you. This gives purpose, meaning and logic. The brain craves this.
  • autonomy
    the ability to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else
  • crave
    have a very strong feeling of wanting something
  • actionable
    able to be done or acted on, having practical value
  • justification
    a good reason or explanation for something
  • demoralized
    having lost your confidence, enthusiasm and hope