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  • What kind of tree grows cones to make seeds? Deciduous trees or Coniferous trees?
    Coniferous trees
  • What part of a seed stores food for the seed?
    The seed coat
    The tiny plant
    The seed leaf
  • What are the bee and butterfly doing to the flower? Pollinating or germinating the flower?
  • Name one way that seeds are scattered
    hitchhike on people or people's clothes, carried by the wind, carried by birds and insects, carried by water
  • Which of these has narrow leaves and no woody stems? Trees? Grasses?
  • What are the parts of the cactus that helps keep it from losing too much water?
    Stems with a thick waxy covering
  • When a seed starts to grow into a new plant what is it doing? Pollinating or germinating?
  • What are the tubes that carry water and minerals from the roots to the other parts of the plant?