
Past Continuous and Past Simple

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  • While Jenny __________ (read) her book, her brother __________ (play) video games.
    was reading , was playing
  • The students __________ (work) on their science project when the bell __________ (ring) for lunch.
    were working ,rang
  • Sarah __________dinner when the phone __________ .
    was cooking , rang
  • When the teacher (enter) ______________ the classroom, the students (talk) ______________ loudly.
    entered , were talking
  • The party __________ (start) at 8 PM.
  • We __________ (visit) the museum last Saturday.
  • He (listen) ______________ to music while he (clean) ______________ his room.
    was listening ,was cleaning
  • Translate the sentence: O 6 rano jadłem śniadanie.
    At 6 a.m., I was eating breakfast.
  • Translate the sentence: Kiedy czytałem książkę, zadzwonił telefon.
    When I was reading a book, the phone rang.
  • Find the mistake: I was working on my computer when the power suddenly was going out.
    the power suddenly went out
  • When I __________ (arrive) at the party, everyone __________ (dance) on the dance floor.
    arrived, was dancing
  • They ............... ( play ) soccer when it started to rain.
    were playing
  • Translate the sentence: Ona grała na pianinie przez dwie godziny.
    She was playing the piano for two hours.
  • My family and I __________ (go) camping last summer.
  • Translate the sentence: Dziecko spało, gdy rodzice oglądali film.
    The baby was sleeping when the parents were watching a movie.
  • The kids __________ (play) outside when it __________ (start) raining.
    were playing, started
  • She ................. ( cook ) dinner while her husband ...................(read) a book.
    were cooking, was reading
  • While I ............... ( study), my phone rang.
    was studying
  • They (talk) ______________ about their vacation when the phone (ring) ______________.
    were talking ,rang
  • She .................... (cook) dinner when I arrived.
    was cooking
  • While I.................. ( do) my homework, my brother .............. ( watched) TV.
    was doing,was watching
  • Translate the sentence: Tom oglądał telewizję, gdy jego siostra robiła zadanie domowe.
    Tom was watching TV when his sister was doing her homework.
  • Translate the sentence: We were having dinner at the restaurant when we saw our old friend.
    Jedliśmy kolację w restauracji, gdy zobaczyliśmy naszego starego przyjaciela.