
Business idioms

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  • break the ice
    make someone who you have not met before feel more relaxed
  • take somebody on board
    employ someone
  • cut our losses
    stop doing something that is already failing in order to reduce the amount of time or money that is being wasted on it
  • to get on board with smth
    agree or accept something
  • close a deal
    complete negotiations
  • call it a day
    finish for today
  • cause a bottleneck
    creating an obstacle or delay in progress or production
  • across the board
    everywhere, applying to everybody
  • to cut corners
    save money or effort by finding cheaper or easier ways to do something
  • the bottom line
    net income or loss
  • a can of worms
    a source of many unpredictable and complicated problems
  • breathe down someone's neck
    watch someone's activity very closely
  • keep a cool head
    stay calm