
formula B1 grammar unit 6

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  • This coffee is too weak. This coffee isn't ________.
    strong enough
  • It's _____ (good) way to visit a city-
    the best
  • She's so/ such a kind person.
    such a
  • He's _____ (intelligent) person in the class.
    the most intelligent
  • I have ___ tiny feet that I have to wear children't shoes.
  • Our holiday was so/such good.
  • He eats a lot of fast food ___ __ hamburgers.
    such as
  • Sarah looks ____ her brother.
  • She is similar to her sister. She ____ ____ her sister.
    looks like
  • No other player is as fast as this player. This player is ________ player in the world.
    the fastest
  • I'm taller than you. You are ______ as I am.
    not as tall
  • She wants to study medicine ___ ____ her sister.
    just like
  • It's too cold to swim. It isn't _______ to swim.
    hot/warm enough
  • Barcelona is ____ (far) from here than Bilbao.
  • Maths is _____ (difficult) English.
    more difficult than
  • A taxi is ___ (good) than the bus but a car is ___ (good).
    better, the best
  • I was __ tired that I went to bed at 9 'clock.
  • It's _____ (hot) day of the year.
    the hottest
  • It was ___ a good show that I'm going back to see it tomorrow.
  • I'm _______ as I was yesterday. (tired)
    not as tired
  • Swimming is the perfect sport for someone ___ me.
  • James is not as sporty as his brother. James is _______ than his brother.
    less sporty