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  • What is the capital city of Finland?
    The capital city is Helsinki.
  • What language do they speak in Finland?
    They speak Finnish
  • What is “The Northern Lights” also referred to as?
    Aurora Borealis
  • What is the Northern region of Finland called?
  • Which countries border Finland?
    Finland shares a border with Russia, Sweden and Norway.
  • Discuss Finland’s climate.
  • Where is Finland?
    Finland is a country in northern Europe.
  • Name 3 famous landmarks in Finland.
  • ...
  • What are the colors of the Finnish flag and what do they represent?
  • Share an interesting fact about Helsinki.
  • What are the indigenous people of Finland called?
    The Sami people are Finland’s indigenous people.
  • How do you say thank you in Finnish?
  • What currency do they use in Finland?
    They use the Euro.