
Third Conditional

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  • I was using my cell phone.
    If I hadn't been using my cell phone, I wouldn't have hit the car.
  • She studied really hard.
    If she hadn't studied really hard, she wouldn't have passed her exam.
  • My parents ________(meet) each other if they hadn't gone to that concert.
    wouldn't have met
  • Make up a sentence about you
  • I __________ (gain) weight if the quarantine hadn't existed.
    wouldn't have gained
  • She _____________ (got) that job if she ___________ (apply) for it.
    wouldn't have got / hadn't applied
  • What would have happened if you hadn't got up today?
  • Make up a sentence about you
  • They might have lost the game if they _________ (practice) so hard.
    hadn't practiced
  • They ___________ (fall) down the stairs if you _________ (fix) them.
    wouldn't have fell / fixed
  • He wasn't in the kitchen.
    If he had been in the kitchen, he wouldn't have burnt the food.
  • She trained a lot for the marathon.
    If she hadn't trained a lot for the marathon, she wouldn't have won.
  • He got fired because he was late.
    If he hadn't been late, he wouldn't have got fired.
  • He didn't study.
    If he had studied, he would have passed the exam.
  • He got food poisoning.
    He wouldn't have got food poisoning if he hadn't eaten that hamburguer
  • Make a sentence using the third conditional.
  • What would have happened if you hadn't come to this school?
  • If I __________ (travel) to Europe in march, I wouldn't have returned.
    had traveled
  • He __________ (fall) in love with her if I ________ (introduce) them.
    wouldn't have fallen / hadn't introduced