
New Vocabulary words (second round)

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  • Fill in the blank. I have a good understanding of ______________.
    I have a good understanding of nutrition.
  • What is something that you can create for the Thanksgiving table?
    A center piece or a pretty table setting.
  • What is something that you can demonstrate for the class?
    I can demonstrate how to make an omelet.
  • Repeat this sentence back to me. I am going to demonstrate how to ride a bike.
    Nice job.
  • Use the word 'write' in a sentence.
    I will write a letter to my friend.
  • I'v determined that I'm going to make a tofu turkey for Thanksgiving. Which word is a vocabulary word? And, did I use it correctly?
    Determined, yes
  • What is something that you might create for a friend.
    I can create a card for a friend. (instead of buying one)
  • What are some things you can talk about at Thanksgiving dinner?
    The weather, your plans, the weekend, what you've been up ...
  • I need to research the best way to make brussels srpouts. Did I use the word research correctly?
  • How does someone create a good relationship?
    By being kind, listening, adding to the conversation, taking turns...
  • What does Mrs. Adams demonstrate for you in class?
    How to be a good reader, how to do math, how to be a good person...
  • Repeat this sentence back to me. I have a good understanding of how to cook a turkey.
  • Use the word relationships in a sentence.
    I have great relationships with all of my friends.