
Fundamentals of IT

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  • ENIAC full form
    Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
  • Identify the image
  • Raw facts, i.e. collection of independent and unorganized facts is known as
  • _____performs all the basic operations of the computer system.
    Arithmetic and logic unit
  • ____________manages and coordinates all the units of the computer
    Control Unit
  • IBM stands for
    International Business Machines
  • ____________is the first programmable digital computer.
    MARK 1
  • The storage unit witch is outside the CPU is
    Secondary Storage
  • Which generation started using high-level programming languages
    Third Generation
  • Who is the Father of Computer
    Charles Babbage
  • An example of Super Computer
    PARAM, CRAY Computer, IBM Deep Blue Super Computer
  • UNIVAC stands for
    Universal Automatic Computer
  • Name the component and to which generation it belong
    Vacuum tubes - First Generation
  • Alan Turing was known as
    Father of Modern Computer Science
  • The characteristic that says computers never get tired is
  • _______________is used for short term storage of data while doing calculations
  • Microcomputer works faster than Minicomputer
  • Name a programming language that started from second generation ?
  • Which generation used Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits
    Fourth Generation
  • Name the Women in the image and what is her contribution
    Ada Lovelace
  • Name the image displayed
    Microprocessor Chip
  • The brain of any computer system is
  • <> this symbol in operators mean
    Not Equal To
  • ICT abbreviation
    Information and communications technology
  • The language that represents 1's and 0's
    Binary Language
  • The Second Generation Computer was based on ________ ?