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  • Explain why the Commandments can be called "loving limitations"
    Because they are the limits that we must stay within in order to be safe, loving, kind, and NOT sin - which always hurts us and others
  • OVERALL, all prophets gave the same message to the people: Stop ________ and Do not give up ________
    Sinning. Hope
  • What does the PROTOEVANGELIUM refer to?
    Genesis 3: 15...God's first promise of a Messiah
  • God is saving us FOR something. What is he saving us for?
    Eternal life in heaven
  • In this covenant, God promised THIS MAN that the MESSIAH would be a descendant of his
  • Name a similarity between Moses and Jesus
    too many to list...teacher discretion
  • The pattern of events in human history in which God revealed himself and his saving actions - DEFINITION
    Catholic Studies
    Old Testament
    Salvation History
    The Bible
  • What is at the heart of the 10 Commandments
    Love for God and others
  • What lesson can we learn from David being "a man after God's own heart"
    No matter what we have done, God has a plan for us
  • Many of the events of THIS MAN's life can be paralleled with Jesus
  • What was manna?
    Bread that fell from heaven to feed the Jews when they were walking to the promised land
  • THIS is the covenant that God gave us in the PERSON OF completed and fulfilled all OLD COVENANTS
    The New Covenant
  • What was manna a sign of?
    To hope and trust in God
  • What does it mean to "hear and heed the call of God"?
    listening, carefully considering, and acting on what God is saying
  • A personal, solemn promise of faithful love that involves mutual commitments and creates a sacred relationship: DEFINITION
  • In this covenant, God promised this man that his descendants would number the stars, his people would get land AND blessing
  • Describe the FIRST PASSOVER
    Jews put sacrificed lamb's blood on their door post, the plague pass over their house, Pharaoh told them to get out
  • God's covenant with this man gave us the rainbow and the promise of no worldwide flood
  • This was the first man God made a covenant with that promised he would send a savior (Gen. 3: 15 The Protoevangelium)
  • Before the coming of Jesus, the Jews were waiting for the Messiah - the one who would save them from their _________
  • There were many Old Testament prophecies that came true through this person
  • What did God send to convince Pharaoh to let the Jews go?
    10 plagues
  • WHERE and WHO had the Israelites (Jews) as slaves
    Egypt. Phaorah
  • Covenants were necessary because THIS disrupted the harmony between God and humans
    Original Sin
  • God is saving us from something and for something. What is he saving us from?
    Sin and the consequences of sin
  • THIS is the most important proof and cornerstone of Christianity
    Jesus' resurrection
  • In this covenant, God promised this man that the Jewish people will be blessed if they follow the 10 Commandments
  • A _________ is someone who speaks for God (and they were often hated for doing so)