
Acts 1-7 Review

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  • What did the apostles say should be done to help the widows?
    a. 7 men should be chosen to help. b. the widows should find another place to worship. c. 7 men should marry the 7 widows
  • How was Stephen able to be bold to speak the truth to his enemies?
    a. he had great parents. b. the Holy Spirit game him courage. c. he didn't know the evil men
  • Who did Peter and John say they would obey after they were commanded not to speak in Jesus' name?
    a. the Romans b. God. c. the apostles
  • What character traits did the seven men chosen as deacons need to have?
    a. they were to be full of the Holy Spirit and wise. b. they were to be handsome c. they were to speak many languages
  • Name the man that was full of God's grace and power, was one of the seven deacon's chosen by the apostles, and preached a great sermon in Acts 7.
    a. Stephen. b. Pontius Pilate. c. Judas
  • Which one of the following things did the new believers not do?
    a. listened to the apostles teach. b. took part in the Lord's Supper. c. prayed. d. cleaned the temple
  • How did the apostles get out of jail?
    a. they had a "get out of jail" card. b. a friend let them out. c. an angel let them out
  • What instructions did Jesus give his disciples before He returned
    a. the apostles b. his mother c. Stephen
  • In Acts 4, what happened to Peter and John?
    a. they got lost b. they were put in prison. c. they were scared to talk about Jesus
  • What does Acts 2:38 say?
    Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
  • What message did Peter share with the crowd of people in Acts 2?
    a. Jesus was not coming back b. the old law was here to stay c. the good news
  • Who was chosen to replace Judas as an apostle?
    a. Stephen. b. Matthias c. Barnabas
  • When the Sanhedrin looked at Stephen's face, what did they see?
    a. a lion's face. b. leperous sores. c. the face of an angel
  • How did the two men in Acts 1 say that Jesus would return to earth?
    a. in a pillar of fire. b. in a chariot c. the same way that he ascended or went up into heaven
  • Who told the relgious leaders to leave the apostles alone?
    a. Jesus. b. Gamaliel. c. Stephen
  • Who did Peter say crucified the Lord Jesus?
    a. the Jews b. the devil c. the apostles
  • What did Jesus say the apostles would receive as a gift from God?
    a. the Holy Spirit. b. $40. c. a new robe
  • When the crowd was stoning Stephen, what did he tell the crowd that he saw?
    a. Jesus standing at the right hand of God. b. a widow that was crying. c. a gate that was locked
  • As the church in Jerusalem was growing, what problem came up?
    a. they didn't have enough chairs. b. some of the leaders weren't getting enough recognition c. some of the widows were being overlooked
  • Why did the religious leaders become jealous in Acts 5?
    a. they many people believed in Jesus. b. many people were getting rich. c. they wanted the gift of the Holy Spirit
  • Who doesn't like it when God is working in people's hearts?
    a. Satan  b. the Holy Spirit  c. the apostles
  • Why were the apostles staring up at the sky?
    Jesus had been taken up into the sky in a. a chariot b. by a bird c. in a cloud
  • After releasing Peter and John from prison, what did the relgious leaders command them to do?
    a. leave town b. pay a fine c. quit speaking in Jesus' name
  • Why were Peter and John going to the temple the day they cured the crippled man?
    a. to eat. b. to pray. c. to meet their friends
  • Why did God punish Ananaias and Sapphira?
    a. they were too rich. b. they had lied. c. they kept all of their money
  • What did Peter tell the crowd that gathered after the crippled man was cured?
    a. to repent and turn to God. b. to act like they were excited c. to pretend that nothing had happened
  • How was the crippled man healed?
    a. by magic. b. by faith in the name of Jesus. c. by power from a man
  • How many days did Jesus stay on the earth after His resurrection?
    a. 100. b. 20. c. 40
  • Why didn't the apostles help the widows themselves?
    a. they were busy praying and preaching. b. they were lazy. c. they only want jobs that were important
  • What was the name of the gate where the crippled man sat at to beg for money?
    a. Beautiful Gate. b. Pretty Gate. c. Ugly Gate
  • Why was the crippled man carried to the temple?
    a. so he could beg for money. b. so he could sing for the leaders of the temple. c. so he could watch the crowd
  • How many people were saved in Acts 2:41?
    a. 5,000 b. 3,000 c. 1,000