
Combining Sentences

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  • The cat was sleeping on the blanket. It was sleeping peacefully. The blanket was cozy.
    The cat was peacefully sleeping on the cozy blanket.
  • The customer complained. They were angry. They did it loudly.
    The angry customer loudly complained.
  • I looked out the window at the sky. It was dark. It was cloudy.
    I looked out the window at the dark, cloudy sky.
  • The dog napped on the floor. The dog was tired. It napped lazily.
    The tired dog lazily napped on the floor.
  • Bobby skips to school. He does it happily.
    Bobby happily skips to school.
  • Sarah painted a picture for her mom. The picture was beautiful. She painted it carefully.
    Sarah carefully painted a beautiful picture for her mom.
  • The children waited for the ice cream truck. They were excited. They waited patiently.
    The excited children patiently waited for the ice cream truck.
  • He stepped onto the stage. He did it confidently. The stage was huge.
    He confidently stepped onto the huge stage.
  • Cindy gave me a gummy worm. It was sour.
    Cindy gave me a sour gummy worm.
  • The man walked on the sidewalk. The man was old. He walked slowly.
    The old man slowly walked on the sidewalk.
  • Sally ran to catch the last bus. She did it hurriedly.
    Sally hurriedly ran to catch the last bus.
  • Maria wore a dress to the birthday party. It was new. It was sparkly.
    Maria wore a new sparkly dress to the birthday party.
  • The birds chirped every morning. They were babies. The chirped cheerfully.
    The baby birds cheerfully chirped every morning.
  • We stayed in a hotel room. It was fancy.
    We stayed in a fancy hotel room.
  • Johnny laughed at his friend's joke. He did it loudly.
    Johnny loudly laughed at his friend's joke.
  • The cat stretched on the couch. The cat did it lazily. The couch was blue.
    The cat lazily stretched on the blue couch.
  • Jane got a puppy. The puppy was tiny.
    Jane got a tiny puppy.
  • She brushed her hair. She did it gently. Her hair was messy.
    She gently brushed her messy hair.
  • My snake escaped its tank. It did it sneakily.
    My snake sneakily escaped its tank.
  • The kid was skipping to school. They did in happily. The kid was little.
    The little kid was happily skipping to school.
  • I run in PE every Thursday. I run fast.
    I run fast in PE every Thursday.
  • She put the flowers in a vase. She put them in carefully. The flowers were colorful.
    The carefully put the colorful flowers in a vase.
  • She walked to school. She did it slowly. Her school was small.
    She slowly walked to her small school.
  • The dog slept by the fireplace. The dog was tired. He slept peacefully.
    The tired dog peacefully slept by the fireplace.
  • The elephant trumpeted at the circus. It was enormous. It did it loudly.
    The enormous elephant loudly trumpeted at the circus.