
Good Friend vs. Bad Friend

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  • makes fun of you constantly
    good friend
    bad friend
  • teaching a friend a skill
    good friend
    bad friend
  • a friend that understands that you make mistakes sometimes
    good friend
    bad friend
  • talking about something that is exciting to a friend
    good friend
    bad friend
  • helping a friend
    good friend
    bad friend
  • complimenting a friend
    bad friend
    good friend
  • discourages you from doing things you like or trying new things
    bad friend
    good friend
  • motivating your friend to do well in school
    good friend
    bad friend
  • spending quality time with a friend
    bad friend
    good friend
  • encouraging your friend to try something new
    bad friend
    good friend
  • lies to you
    bad friend
    good friend
  • going to fun events with a friend
    bad friend
    good friend
  • cheering someone on if they accomplish something
    bad friend
    good friend
  • listening to a friend if they are having a bad day
    bad friend
    good friend
  • brings you down
    bad friend
    good friend
  • teases you when you tell them to stop
    good friend
    bad friend
  • a friend that is understanding
    bad friend
    good friend
  • a friend that is reliable
    good friend
    bad friend
  • a friend that accepts who you are
    bad friend
    good friend
  • a friend that is honest
    good friend
    bad friend
  • defending your friend
    good friend
    bad friend
  • talks behind your back
    good friend
    bad friend
  • takes things from you without asking
    good friend
    bad friend
  • does not respect you or your boundaries
    good friend
    bad friend