
International Women's Day

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  • How do you think women's roles in society have changed over the years?
  • She was the first computer programmer in history.
    Ada Lovelace
  • Name 5 female scientists
  • What was the first nation/territory to formally allow women to vote in elections in 1893?
    New Zealand
  • How do you think education empowers women?
  • What are some stereotypes about women that you'd like to see change?
  • What are some books or movies that celebrate strong female characters?
  • How do you think being a woman has influenced your life experiences?
  • What role can men play in supporting gender equality?
  • In 1955, this African American living in Montgomery, Alabama, challenged the race segregation that existed in parts of the US by refusing to give up her seat on a bus so that a white person could sit down
    Rosa Parks
  • Which country was the first in the world to ELECT a female head of state in 1980?
  • As of 2022, women still cannot legally vote in which of these countries?
    Saudi Arabia
  • She is a teenager. She is from Sweden. She fights for the environment.
    Greta Thunberg
  • What are some challenges that women still face today?
  • What advice would you give to young girls growing up in today's world?
  • This woman changed the world not once but twice. She founded the new science of radioactivity – even the word was invented by her – and her discoveries launched effective cures for cancer.
    Marie Curie
  • She dedicated her life to helping the needy, becoming one of the most important humanitarian activists in Brazil. At the age of 13, she transformed her parents' house in Salvador into a center for assisting the poor and the sick.
    Irmã Dulce
  • How do you think media representation of women has evolved over time?
  • She is a Brazilian stage, television and film actress. Considered by many the greatest Brazilian actress of all time, she is often referred to as the great lady of Brazilian theater, cinema and performing arts.
    Fernanda Montenegro
  • He is one of the greatest samba singers of all time, playing a fundamental role in spreading the ancestral chants of African slaves, with a repertoire dedicated to traditional Afro-Brazilian roots music. Despite undeniable talent, however,
    Clementina de Jesus
  • Name 5 female superheroes
  • Who are some inspiring women in your life, and why?
  • Have you ever experienced gender discrimination? How did you handle it?
  • She is an American political activist, philosopher, academic and author. She is a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
    Angela Davis
  • As a young girl, she defied the Taliban in Pakistan and demanded that girls be allowed to receive an education. She was shot in the head in 2012 but survived. In 2014, she became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
    Malala Yousafzai