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  • ................ turn from brown or gray to white in winter
    Artic hares
  • .............. come out of hibernation and raise their cubs in spring
  • .......... dont like the cold .In autumn , they swim to the warmer waters.
    Grey whales
  • The Earth divided into
    The Northern Hemisphere and the southern Hemisphere
  • In winter , temperatures are ..............
  • ....... and ........ are two types of animals that hibernate in winter
    Bears and Bats
  • When it's summer time in the northen , it's .............. in the southern
    winter time
  • ................ temperatures are chilly and days are shorter
  • Crickets are nature's ............the hotter the temperature . the louder the crickets will ........
  • In spring ....... begin to grow and flowers blossom
  • ........ and ............ are ready to be picked in summer
    fruits and vegetables
  • The season are affected by the amount of
  • .......... pant to cool themselves down in summer
  • Just as nature changes, .......... changes with the seasons
  • ........... is a period of dry weather. An area will get less than its normal amount of rain, over months of years
    A drought
  • leaves change to ........ ,........ and ........... in autumn
    yellow , red and orange
  • ......... and ........... are two types of animals that give birth in spring
    skunks- seals
  • plants stop growing and can't survive in frozen soil in ...........
  • In summer , temperatures are ...... days are .......
    hot- long
  • the longest day accurs each year around ................... in the southern
    December 21st
  • ............... bloom folr a short time in spring .
    Cherry blossoms
  • In .........., Saudi Arabia and kenya the seasons dont change . the weather is usually hot
  • ................ temperatures are warmer, and days are growing ..........
    In spring
  • ............ are cold-blooded animals: they need to lay in the sun to get warm
  • .................. teach their young how to find food and water during spring
  • ........... go for a swim to cool down during summer
  • ......... gather food such as nuts berries and grains during autumn
  • Day and night are about the same length of time around the northern
  • How does nature change with each Season?
    each season brings about changes signs of the changing seasons are the changes you see in nature
  • Bear spend the ........ eating and then hibernate through the winter
  • ............... and ............ are two types of animals that love to lay in the sun in summer
    Alligators and Hippos
  • ......................... migrate during autumn but return to their homes in ................
    geese, spring
  • ........... happens when there is a lot of rain and the water has nowhere to go
  • ............ cover their skin in mud to protect it from the sun