
7th grade review

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  • what is it called when our environment gets contaminated with substances that are harmful to life
  • A basin-like formation defined by highpoints and divides that descends into lower elevation is a/an
  • other than the toilet and flushing, what things use the most water in a house?
    shower, clothes washer, dishes/faucet
  • better late
    than never
  • dont **** the hand
    that feeds you
  • energy from within the earth is called
  • Is the air we breath renewable or non-renewable
  • dont judge a book
    by its cover
  • better safe
    than sorry
  • permeable means that
    water is able to flow through the rock
  • part of our environment that supplies materials useful or necessary for the survival of living things
    natural resource
  • strike while the iron is
  • natural resources that are being used up faster than they are replaced
    non-renewable resource
  • Salinity is the amount of ________ in water
  • name a non-renewable resource
    metals, fossil fuels, other minerals,
  • Most of the water on Earth is found in
  • what is the process that renews oxygen in our environment
  • coal oil and natural gas are examples of
    fossil fuels
  • energy from the sun is called
    solar energy
  • honesty is the best
  • a natural resource that will not run out, no matter how much of it people use
    inexhaustible resource
  • natural resources that can be replenished by natural processes at least as quickly as they are used
    renewable resources
  • impermeable means that water
    cannot flow through it
  • an apple a day
    keeps the doctor away
  • groundwater is stored in a/an
  • what uses the most water in a house?
    the toilet