
Past Tense and Past Participle of Verbs

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  • Deal
    Dealt, dealt
  • Ring
    Rang, rung
  • Cost
    Cost, cost
  • Win
    Won, won
  • Prove
    Proved, proved
  • Speed
    Sped, sped
  • Dream
    Dreamt, dreamt
  • Sit
    Sat, sat
  • Fall
    Fell, fallen
  • Freeze
    Froze, frozen
  • Write
    Wrote, written
  • Pay
    Paid, paid
  • Hit
    Hit, hit
  • Say
    Said, said
  • Become
    became, become
  • Forgive
    Forgave, forgiven
  • Throw
    Threw, thrown
  • Cut
    Cut, cut
  • Overcome
    Overcame, overcome
  • Set
    Set, set
  • Drink
    Drank, drunk
  • Hang
    Hung, hung
  • Tell
    Told, told
  • Begin
    Began, Begun
  • Teach
    Taught, taught
  • Stick
    Stuck, stuck
  • Catch
    Caught, caught
  • Find
    Found, found
  • Sting
    Stung, stung
  • Hurt
    Hurt, hurt
  • Choose
    Chose, chosen
  • Spread
    Spread, spread
  • Draw
    Drew, drawn
  • Sink
    Sank, sunk
  • Slide
    Slid, slid
  • Swing
    Swung, swung
  • Break
    Broke, broken
  • Let
    Let, let
  • Lie (to put something down flat)
    Lay, lain
  • Have
    Had, had
  • Spell
    Spelt, spelt (spelled is also okay for both past tense and past participle)
  • Lie (say something false)
    Lied, lied
  • Speak
    Spoke, spoken
  • Tear
    Tore, torn
  • Bet
    bet, bet
  • Spend
    Spent, spent
  • Rise
    Rose, risen
  • Bend
    bent, bent
  • Hear
    Heard, heard
  • Leave
    Left, left
  • Stand
    Stood, stood
  • Learn
    Learnt, learnt
  • Feed
    Fed, fed
  • Swear
    Swore, swore
  • Shrink
    Shrank, shrunk
  • Show
    Showed, shown
  • Understand
    Understood, Understood
  • Shine
    Shone, shone
  • Make
    Made, made
  • Sleep
    Slept, slept
  • Meet
    Met, met
  • Swim
    Swam, swum
  • Hold
    Held, held
  • Lose
    Lost, lost
  • Burn
    Burnt, burnt
  • Read
    Read, read
  • Shoot
    Shot, shot
  • Shake
    Shook, shaken
  • Bite
    bit, bitten
  • Go
    Went, gone
  • Know
    Knew, known
  • Bear
    bore, borne
  • Hide
    Hid, hidden
  • Forbid
    Forbid, forbidden
  • Keep
    Kept, kept
  • Send
    Sent, sent
  • Burst
    Burst, burst
  • Lend
    Lent, lent
  • Light
    Lit, lit
  • Wear
    Wore, worn
  • Fight
    Fought, fought
  • Think
    Thought, thought
  • Do
    Did, done
  • Give
    Gave, given
  • Sing
    Sang, sung
  • Broadcast
    Broadcast, broadcast
  • Be
    was/wear, been
  • Sell
    Sold, sold
  • Come
    Came, come
  • Dig
    Dug, dug
  • Spill
    Spilt, spilt
  • Mean
    Meant, meant
  • Grow
    Grew, grown
  • Feel
    Felt, felt
  • Take
    Took, taken
  • Beat
    beat, beaten
  • Wake
    Woke, woken
  • Shut
    Shut, shut
  • Blow
    blew, blown
  • Smell
    Smelt, smelt (smelled is also okay for both past tense and past participle)
  • Forget
    Forgot, forgotten
  • Run
    Ran, run
  • Buy
    Bought, bought
  • Creep
    Crept, crept
  • Lead
    Led, led
  • Steal
    Stole, stolen
  • Drive
    Drove, driven
  • Spoil
    Spoilt, spoilt (spoiled is also okay for both past tense and past participle)
  • Bring
    Brought, brought
  • Earn
    Earned, earned
  • Bleed
    bled, bled
  • Put
    Put, put
  • Lay
    Laid, laid
  • Ride
    Rode, ridden
  • Kneel
    Knelt, knelt
  • Build
    Built, built
  • Eat
    Ate, eaten
  • Get
    Got, gotten
  • Split
    Split, split
  • See
    Saw, seen