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  • My dog is (big) yours.
    bigger than
  • He runs (fast) anyone else on the team.
    faster than
  • He speaks English (good) anyone else in our class.
    better than
  • She is (talented) musician I know
    the most talented
  • Swimming in the ocean is not (safe) swimming in a pool.
    as safe as
  • I think learning Spanish is (difficult) learning French.
    as difficult as, more difficult than
  • My car is not (relilable) it used to be.
    as reliable as
  • The coffee I had this morning was not (good) the one I had yesterday.
    as good as
  • Swimming is not (difficult) I thought it would be.
    as difficult as
  • The movie we watched yesterday was (bad) I expected.
    worse than
  • The exam was (easy) I expected.
    easier than
  • She is (smart) her sister.
    smarter than, as smart as
  • My car is (old) yours.
    older than
  • This is (beautiful) place I've ever visited.
    the most beautiful
  • She is (young) person in our office.
    the youngest
  • She is (talented) artist in our school.
    the most talented
  • This dress is (expensive) the one I bought last month.
    more expensive than
  • The hotel we stayed at was (comfortable) place I've ever been.
    the most comfortable
  • This restaurant is not (good) the one we went to last week.
    as good as
  • The mountain we climbed last summer was (high) I've ever been on.
    the highest
  • I think chocolate ice cream is (good) vanilla.
    better than
  • This is (expensive) meal I've ever had.
    the most expensive
  • I think skiing is (exciting) snowboarding.
    more exciting than
  • My apartment is (small) yours, but it's also (cheap).
    smaller than, cheaper
  • The city center is (busy) the outskirts.
    busier than
  • This is (delicious) cake I've ever tasted.
    the most delicious
  • This phone is not (expensive) the one I wanted to buy.
    as expensive as
  • This computer is (fast) my old one.
    faster than