
Starter Unit Review

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  • Complete: ____ name's Laura. Nice to meet you.
  • Country? Dublin
  • add information such as your name or address on a document
    fill in
  • ____ you English? No, ____ not.
    Are / I'm
  • Make the negative: You are 14.
    You aren't 14.
  • What time is it? "8:15"
    It's a quarter past eight.
  • make someone not want to do something (with a person)
    put (someone) off
  • ______ he from Wellington?
  • Make the negative: "New You is the capital of the US".
    New York isn't the capital of the US.
  • Izán and Elias are my cousins and ______ school is in Argentina.
  • She _____ from New Zealand, not Canada.
  • start (a business, organisation, etc)
    set up
  • not accept an offer, request or application
    turn down
  • Country? Wellington
    New Zealand
  • postpone, make something happen later than originally planned
    put (something) off
  • Nationality: Ireland
  • continue working at something even if you want to stopkeep at
    keep at
  • No, we _____ British. We are from the US.
  • Nationality of AUSTRALIA
  • go at the same speed at something or someone
    keep up with
  • Make the negative: They are Canadian.
    They aren't Canadian.
  • Describe, use have got
  • be more successful, or progress faster than other people
    get ahead
  • Describe, use have got!
  • Canada is in North America. _____ capital is Ottawa.
  • Country? London
    the UK
  • What time is it? "9:55"
    It's five to ten.
  • Take control of something
    work on
  • What time is it? "11:30"
    It's half past eleven
  • Nationality: The UK
  • Complete: She's an English teacher. ____ name is Eva.
  • Describe, use have got