
Opening the West

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  • The completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869 contributed to the settlement of which United States region.
  • Populist Party
    “Party for the People” this political party was for the common American and wanted farmers to succeed.
  • Why is the Native American woman begging the White traveler?
    No food, home, or money.
  • Write a paragraph below explaining how the population changed from 1850 to 1900. Use the map to explain changes. How did the increase in population affect the United States? How do you think this impacted Americans today (in 2020)?
    Trains let people move out west easier.
  • Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull played a part in the...
    Battle of Little Bighorn
  • The Populist Party was important in US history because it...
    proposed ideas that later became laws.
  • Dawes Act
    Called for reservations to be broken up and Native Americans could not be associated with a tribe.
  • What was a major goal of the Dawes Act?
    To encourage the Native Americans to become more like the “whites”.
  • Benefits of the Transcontinental Railroad...
    connecting the West and East coasts for the first time.
  • The conflicts “whites” had with Native Americans between 1860 and 1890 were because...
    The movement of settlers onto the Great Plains.
  • Cow Towns
    Towns for cattle that were located near trains.
  • Transcontinental Railroad
    A railroad that connected the East and West of the United States and Promontory Point, Utah
  • Between 1860 and 1890, which experience did the Native Americans have? (What was their life like?)
    They were forced to live on reservations.
  • The Homestead Act attempted to promote the development of western lands by...
    Providing free land to settlers.
  • During this event, the U.S. Army attacked a group of Native Americans without the Native Americans trying to fight, killing men, women, and children.
    The Battle of Wounded Knee
  • Why did many boomtowns turn into ghost towns?
    Once the gold or silver was gone people left.
  • One of the goals of the Populist Party was...
    Unlimited silver coins for farmers to pay back debts.
  • The Populist movement was most interested in improving conditions for...
  • Oklahoma Land Rush
    When the government decided to give land away to Homesteaders that was previously reserved for Native Americans.