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  • You score a 20 out of 100 on your math test. Your friend scored a higher score than you.  Your friend says "Oh no!" to the score. Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your teacher says that they are going to give you some homework over the weekend. You say "That is what I always wanted! More homework!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your brother is really angry at you. He says your a perfect brother. Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You see a puppy. The puppy hair is straight and nice. Your friend says "How cute!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • "Ouch!" says the nurse after she gives your brother a major injection. Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your brother puts on your least favorite song. You say "I love listening to this song!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You listen to a song that you hate. You say "if I hear this song one more time, I am turning off the radio." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your dad says "I will buy you that toy when pigs fly." He believes the toy you want will not be good for you. Is this sarcasm or real?
    Real (because he is saying that he will never buy you that toy)
  • You are at a video game store and a sign says "Buy 1 get 1 free." Your brother says "Sweet?" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend is bored. He tells you "This sucks a lot." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your brother says "That was awesome!" after he sees someone do a cool trick on their skateboard. Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You score a 50 out of 100 on your math test. Your friend says "Good Job!" to the score. Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend looks at his watch and says "if we come to work late, the boss might kill us!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend tastes a very sour candy. He says "This tastes like acid." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend breaks your game system. He is very sorry. He says "I promise I will fix it." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You see your friend take out a nice slice of cake. You hate cake. You say "Mmmm Yummy" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You and a friend are working on a project. Your friend does barely of the work. You say "Thanks for the help!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Someone throws a football strongly and accidentally hits the coach on the head. The coach says "That barely hurts." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Gas prices keep going up. Your mom says "These prices are terrible!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You score a 90 out of 100 on your math test. Your friend scored a lower score than you. Your friend says "Oh no!" to the score. Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your brother puts on your favorite song. You say "I love listening to this song!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You are at a video game store and a sign says "Buy 1 get 1 free." Your brother says "Sweet!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend takes you to an amusement park. You are afraid of roller coasters. When your about to get on one, you say "Yay! Fun!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend tells you that he hates chocolate. When you accidentally buy him a chocolate bar, he says "Splendid!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You love chocolate. You say "Chocolate is the greatest food I've ever tasted." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your playing soccer and your friend taps you on the shoulder and says "Break a leg!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend just finished a difficult test. He was nervous throughout the test. He tells you the test was "It was almost like a cakewalk." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend is bored. He tells you "dude please kill me." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • "You suck (stranger)!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You are at a restaurant. The restaurant owner comes and says that their food is the greatest food in the world. Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend looks at his watch and says "if we come to work late, the boss might fire us!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You have been running for 1 hour during P.E. with friends. Your friend says "I can run another 30 minutes!" while he pants. Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You tell your friend you won 1 million dollars from the lottery. Your friend says "Ya right!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your dad tries throwing away the trash by shooting it like a basketball. He misses the trash can. You say "Nice shot!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your in cabin while a snowstorm is about to arrive. Your grandpa says "I can handle this, I have been to Antarctica before!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend is extremely fast. He says "I bet I can outrun you even if you had rollerblades." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You invite your friend to a concert. You know he likes the artist at that concert. He says "I rather stay at home." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend says "That was awesome!" after you slip on a banana peel. He laughts at you afterwards. Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your teacher is having a rough day. All of a sudden, a school announcement occurs that says that all classes will end immediately for the day. She says "Just what I need!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You see a puppy. The puppy hair is in a mess but makes the puppy look adorable. Your friend says "How cute!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You see your friend take out a nice slice of cake. You love cake. You say "Mmmm Yummy!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • There is a storm approaching and it's supposed to bring a strong cold front. Your friend says "It probably won't be that cold, we are inside the school after all." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • "You suck (friend jokingly)!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your brother accidentally breaks your Nintendo Switch. You forgive your brother because it is and accident and say "It's ok." Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend breaks your game system. He says he will fix it. You say "Ya right!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • You go to a store to buy milk and they are out of it. You say "Great!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend takes you to an amusement park. You love roller coasters. When your about to get on one, you say "Yay! Fun!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • "Ouch!" says the nurse after she gives your brother a minor injection. Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Your friend is bored. He tells you "I'm having the best time ever!" Is this sarcasm or real?
  • Someone throws a football lightly and accidentally hits the coach on the head. The coach says "That barely hurts." Is this sarcasm or real?