
Sarcasm or Real?

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  • Kevin is showing Sandra and Tina his video for computer class. Kevin is really proud and asks the girls what they think. Tina says, "Really nice job!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Tyler and Stephanie were playing outside. Stephanie wanted to play with the bear, but so did Tyler. They start arguing and rip the bear. Stephanie says, "Nice job!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Conner got a kitten for his birthday. He says to Jessica, "She's so cute right?" Jessica responds with, "Yeah, totally!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Sophie and Tom were in doing arts and crafts together. Tom didn't want to mix paint colors, so he decided to wipe off the brush before choosing a new color. Sophie say, "That's a great idea. The color will not mix!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Jenna's computer crashed right before she was able to save her 5 page paper. She had spent all day writing it. Jenna says, "Great, cause I have time to write it all over again!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Kelly and Anthoney went food shopping. Kelly didn't want to take any bags and now Anthoney has to carry them all. Anthoney says, "Don't worry, I got it!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Kara's family is coming over for her dad's birthday. Grandma Betty says, "Oh, Kara I've missed you!" while giving her lots of kisses and squeezes. Kara says, "Yeah, grandma. Missed you too." Real or Sarcastic?
  • Beth is waiting for an important phone call about a job and she's so nervous. Carol notices and says, "Hey, you need to relax." Real or Sarcastic?
  • Julie and Sarah are doing homework together. Julie is taking too long, so Sarah puts her head down and closes her eyes. Julie says, "You're some help." Real or Sarcastic?
  • Justin and Dominick are walking down the hallway. They see Kyle standing at his locker. Dominick shoulder bumps Kyle and says, "Oh, excuse me!" while laughing. Real or Sarcastic?
  • Claire is helping her dad clean the house before her mom comes home. She says, "Dad, I'm helping." Dad says, "Yes Claire, nice job!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Kristen was riding her bike home from the store, when she hit a pot hole and fell over. All her groceries fell out of the basket. Ted comes over to help her up. Kristien says, "Thanks for your help!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Brianna and Molly are sitting in math class together. Brianna does not understand the do now problem, so Molly explains it to her. Brianna says, "Wow, you're so smart!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Dan is writing his math problem on the board. He is having a hard time remembering how to do the problem. Dylan says, "Take your time, we're not waiting or anything." Real or Sarcastic?
  • John, Nick, and Zach are working on a group project. The group can't agree on a topic. Zach says, "I'm picking because I'm the smartest." Nick says, "Oh right, you know everything." Real or Sarcastic?
  • It is Sal and Bonny's turn to clean the dishes after dinner. Mom comes in to ask how they are doing. Sal says, "Just great!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Kayla was meeting Demi after school ended to walk home. Demi is upset because she received an "F" on her test. Kayla says, "I'm sorry, that's too bad." Real or Sarcastic?
  • Sam, Tara, and Melanie are having a girls night. Tara tells an embarrassing story about how she tripped in front of her class. Sam says, "Wow you're so clumsy!" and Melanie says, "Yeah, right!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Christian has so much homework, but wants to play basketball instead. He tells his mom he'll do his homework after he goes out to play. Mom says, "Yeah, right!" Real or Sarcastic
  • Brian's family made a new recipe for dinner. He is very nervous because he is a very picky eater. Brian takes a bite and dad asks how it is. Brian says, "Wow, so good!" Real or Sarcastic?