
Jesus Loves Everyone

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  • Jesus asked the Samaritan woman to give Him a drink of _____________.
  • Who did Jesus meet when He went to Samaria?
    A woman.
  • For God sent not his Son into the world to ___________ the world; but that the _____________ through him might be ______________.
    For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
  • Many of the Samaritans didn't believed on Jesus because of what the woman said. True of False
  • The Jews wouldn't go to Samaria because they liked the Samaritans. True or False
    False. They hated the Samaritans.
  • After talking with Jesus, what did the woman say to the people in the city?
    Come see a man who told me everything I've done! Could he be the Christ (Messiah)?
  • Jesus is the promised S____________.
  • Jesus is the ______ knowing God.
  • Jesus loves _______________.