
Similes (as... as)

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  • Bob works 10 hours a day. He is as busy as _____________.
    a bee
  • The football player is very tall. He is as tall as _________________.
    a cat
    a dog
    a baby boy
    a giraffe
  • Grandpa is as slow as _______________.
    a snail
    a leopard
    a cheetah
  • Sonic runs as fast as ______________.
    a cat
    a snail
    a tortoise
  • He is as strong as _______________.
    a snail
    a mouse
    a bee
    an ox
  • The fireman is as brave as _____________.
    a giraffe
    a snail
    a lamb
    a lion
  • Mary is as wise as _____________. She knows a lot of things.
    a snail
    a rock
    an owl
  • He is as timid as _____________.
    a mouse
    a lion
    a tiger
    an ox
  • My desk is as hard as __________________.
    a lamb
    a rock
    a bee
    a mouse
  • My little sister is as gentle as ___________.
    a lion
    a lamb
    a tiger
    an ox
  • She is as fierce as _____________.
    an owl
    a tiger
    a mouse
    a giraffe
  • This ice-cream is very sweet. It is as sweet as _______________.
    a mouse
    a tiger
    a rock