
Johnson's Rio de Janeiro Quiz

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  • Name 3 jobs that are available in Rio`
    Port workers: exports of sugar, iron ore and coffee, banking services, tourism, clothing, food.
  • Give 1 reason why access to services is a challenge in Rio
    Contaminated drinking water, 1/3 of water is lost through leaky pipes, little access to flushing toilets, electricity services are overloaded causing blackouts
  • Name 1 way Rio is regionally important
    Manufacturing centre, financial services, port
  • What are the squatter settlements called in Rio?
  • Name 1 reason why air pollution is high in Rio.
    Traffic and industry pollutes the air. The mountains that surround Rio trap the pollution in the air. Sewage flows into rivers and the Guanabara Bay
  • Give 1 way healthcare is a challenge
    Lack of medical services result in a life expectancy of 45 in some areas.
  • Name 1 way healthcare has improved in Rio
    Health kits are available to identify diseases in favelas
  • Give 1 way Rio is internationally important
    Host of the 2016 Olympic's and 2014 World Cup
  • Give 1 reason why squatter settlements are a challenge in Rio
    Healthcare is poor which leads to high infant mortality rates, landslides, lack of services, construction of houses m unemployment, crime.
  • Access to healthcare is an opportunity. Name 3 more
    Access to education, improved access to energy, water, employment.
  • Give 1 way Rio is nationally important
    Major port, transport hub, culture, international airport
  • Which continent and country will you find Rio de Janeiro?
    South America, Brazil
  • Define the term multiplier effect
    Snowball effect. As businesses move into an area more businesses follow.
  • Name 1 way crime is a challenge in Rio
    drugs gangs, violent crimes, theft
  • What is the capital city of Brazil?
  • Name 1 reason why urbanisation in Rio has increased in the last 50 years
    Pull factors such as jobs, business opportunities and access to services.
  • Waste disposal is an environmental challenge in Rio. Name 2 more
    Pollution, traffic congestion
  • Name 1 way education has been improved in Rio
    Grants available to families, university opened in Rochina favela. Literacy rate is 95% for over 10's
  • Name 1 way education is a challenge in Rio
    Education is only compulsory up until 14, lack of schools and qualified teachers.
  • Healthcare is a challenge facing Rio. Name 3 more
    Water supply, education, energy provision, unemployment, crime
  • Primary is a job sector. Name 3 more and give an example of each
    Secondary, tertiary, quaternary