
DNA and DNA replication

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  • Why does DNA replication occur?
    A second copy of DNA is required for producing the daughter cell in mitosis.
  • A DNA sample has in total 200 of 1000 bases that are G and C. How may are T?
    A&T = 800, T = 400
  • What are the bonds that form between two bases?
    Hydrogen bonds
  • The DNA backbone has weaker bonds than the middle of the strand?
  • What is the function of the RNA primer?
    The RNA primer marks the beginning of the new DNA strand.
  • What is the function of primase?
    This enzyme makes the RNA primer.
  • List the four essential enzymes for DNA replication:
    DNA polymerase, Helicase, Ligase, Primase.
  • Explain what is base-pairing?
    It is how complementary DNA bases bond together. A-T, G-C.
  • What are Chargaffs rules?
    In a given DNA sample: %A = %T, %G = %C.
  • What do the single stranded binding proteins (SSBP) do?
    Hold template strands in place, prevents DNA strands fronm joining together.
  • Apart from enzymes, list two essential ingrediants for DNA replication:
    Free nucleotides, Template strand.
  • Where is DNA stored in the prokaryotic cell?
  • Where is DNA stored in the Eukaryotic cell?
    The nucleus
  • What is the back of DNA strand called?
    The sugar-phophate backbone.
  • Explain the difference between leading and lagging strand?
    Leading strand is made faster (template strand: 3'-5'). Lagging strand is made more slowly and in chunks (template strand: 5'-3').
  • Name the four DNA bases:
    Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine
  • What are the building blocks of DNA?
  • DNA repliciation is described as being semi-conservative, explain what this means?
    Each new strand produced contain an original template strand and a newly built strand.
  • What does the enzyme, helicase do?
    Breaks hydrogen bonds between bases, seperating the two strands.
  • Name the three components of a DNA nucleotide:
    Phosphate, Deoxyribose sugar, Nitrogenous base.
  • Which direction does DNA polymerase add nucleotides?
    5' to 3' direction.
  • What are Okazaki fragments?
    Short DNA chunks of the lagging strand.
  • When does DNA replication occur?
    Before mitosis / Interphase - S-phase
  • What does the enzyme, DNA polymerase do?
    Builds new strand, checks for errors in DNA code.
  • All living things contain DNA, true or false?
  • Assuming 10% of a DNA sample is G, How much is in total is A and T?
    80% (40%A + 40%T = 80% A&T)
  • What is the function of ligase?
    Molecular "glue" that joins DNA together.
  • What is the name given for the structure of DNA?
    DNA-double helix
  • Explain why DNA strands have a 5' end and a 3' end
    Each carbon is numbered on a nucleotide. The last carbon on the strand is5th = 5', 3rd = 3'.
  • The lagging strand requires multiple primers to build, true or false?