
FFA History

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  • The first line of the FFA motto is “Learning...”
    To Do
  • What made FFA “intracurricular”?
    Federal Charter
  • During the Opening Ceremonies, where is the Secretary stationed?
    Ear of Corn
  • During the Opening Ceremonies, where is the Advisor stationed?
    The owl
  • The last line of the FFA motto is “Living...”
    To Serve
  • What year was agriculture education established?
  • Where was the first gathering of agriculture students for a national contest?
    American Royal
  • During the Opening Ceremonies, where is the Treasurer stationed?
    Bust of Washington
  • What type of FFA member is awarded membership for their service to agriculture?
    Honorary Member
  • What type of FFA member is in college?
    Collegiate member
  • On the FFA Emblem, what does the eagle symbolize?
  • What type of FFA member is in middle or high school agriculture classes?
    Active Member
  • Who was the first National FFA President?
    Leslie Applegate
  • What type of FFA member is out of school but supports agriculture?
    Alumni Member
  • What is the name of the legislation that established agriculture classes in high schools?
    Smith-Hughes Act
  • What did NFA stand for?
    New Farmers of America
  • The second line of the FFA motto is “Doing...”
    To Learn
  • What year did the NFA and FFA merge?
  • What is the “uniform” of the FFA called?
    Official Dress
  • The third line of the FFA motto is “Earning...”
    To Live
  • What is the official salute of the FFA?
    Pledge of Allegiance
  • On the FFA Emblem, what does the owl symbolize?
    Wisdom and Knowledge
  • On the FFA Emblem, what does the rising sun symbolize?
  • What year were girls admitted to the FFA?
  • Who wrote the FFA Creed?
    E.M Tiffany
  • What year was the name of the organization changed?
  • Who is considered the “Father of FFA”?
    Henry Groseclose
  • During the Opening Ceremonies, where is the Reporter stationed?
    The flag
  • What year was the FFA Creed adopted?
  • What type of FFA degree can a second or third year FFA member earn?
    Chapter Degree
  • On the FFA Emblem, what does the cross-section of an ear of corn symbolize?
  • During the Opening Ceremonies, where is the Sentinel stationed?
    The door
  • The official colors of the FFA are National Blue and ...
    Corn Gold
  • What type of FFA degree can a third or fourth year FFA member earn?
    State Degree
  • What is the highest FFA degree that an FFA member can earn?
    American Degree
  • What is the name of the FFA magazine?
    New Horizons
  • Where was the FFA founded?
    Kansas City, MO
  • During the Opening Ceremonies, where is the Vice-President stationed?
    The plow
  • On the FFA Emblem, what does the plow symbolize?
    Labor and Tillage "Work"
  • What type of FFA degree can a first year FFA member earn?
    Greenhand degree
  • What type of FFA degree can a middle school FFA member earn?
    Discovery Degree
  • What year was the Future Farmers of America founded?
  • During the Opening Ceremonies, where is the President stationed?
    Rising Sun
  • What year was Public Law 740 passed?