
Wider World 3 Unit 6 (grammar)

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  • I don't know what the museum is like. The guidebook doesn't mention it. a)it might be interesting b)it must be interesting
    a)it might be interesting
  • Everyone is swimming in the sea, so the water _____ too cold
    CAN'T BE
  • Dad thinks this is your ticket, but your ticket is in your hand. this ____ be your ticket because your ticket is in your hand.
  • Look, that ______ our hotel. I recognise it from here.
  • Diego: Look at him. He ____ exhausted! Lola: Yeah, He ____ an experienced cyclist. Look at his rucksack, it looks so weird!! Yeah, he ___ an artist or something.
  • Here's a guidebook, but perhaps it's the wrong one. Here's a guidebook, but it _____ the wrong one.
  • Jordi: That's a strange tent... It looks like a baloon. Jusep: Oh, that. mus/can't be the new tree tent. I've seen it on the Internet
  • Anna: Can you ask your uncle if we can borrow his tent? Lisa: OK, but today could/can't be a bad time He's going on holiday tomorrow!
  • Paco: The water ____ be freezing! Look, nobody's swimming! Arancha: No, it ____ freezing Look, nobody is swimming! The water is always warm here. Paco: I'm not going in... It ____ be muddy or full of seaweed..
  • I don't know where the museum is. a) It might be near the station. b)It can't be near the station
    a) It might be near the station.
  • I'm sure this is Ellie's tent. That's her rucksack. / This _____ Elie's tent. That's her rucksack.
  • I'm sure she feels exhausted.
    She MUST feel exhausted
  • I'm not sure where my phone is. a)It must be in my bag. b)It may be in my bag
    b)It may be in my bag
  • Carrie's shoes are black, but these ones are brown. a)these could be Carrie's shoes. b)These can't be Carrie's shoes
    b)These can't be carries shoes
  • I'm sure this rucksack doesn't weigh 20 kilos
    This rucksack CAN'T weigh more than 20 kilos
  • They're very quiet. Perhaps they're sleeping. They ____ sleeping
  • Jade: I'd love to get one of those tents... Are they expensive? George: They can't/could be expensive, my uncle got one for very little money.
  • Tom's gone home early. a) He might be ill a)He can't be ill
    a) He might be ill
  • I'm sure this isn't the campsite. this____ the campsite.
    CAN'T BE
  • Diego: Look at him. He ____ exhausted! Lola: Yeah, He ____ an experienced cyclist. Look at him, he looks 100 years old!
  • I'm sure the map is on the table. I put it there. The map ____ on the table. I put it there.
  • It's probably cold outside
    It MAY/MIGHT/COULD be could in the mountains
  • Cholo: Is there a campsite near her? Tarquin: I'm not sure. There must/might be one near the lake. I saw people there last summer.
  • Everyone's wearing T-shirts. a)It must be hot b)It can't be hot
    a)It must be hot