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  • When it ____ (start) to rain, Bon ______ (sit) in the garden.
    When it started to rain, Bon was sitting in the garden.
  • I ______ (walk) down the street when I ______ (see) your sister.
    I was walking down the street when I saw your sister.
  • When I ______ (wake) up, it ______ (rain).
    When I woke up, it was raining.
  • We ______ (play) tennis when John _______(hurt) his ankle.
    We were playing tennis when John hurt his ankle.
  • When the guests ______ (arrive), Jane _______ (cook) dinner.
    When the guests arrived, Jane was cooking dinner.
  • Mary Jane ______ (cook) when she ______ (cut) her hand.
    Mary Jane was cooking when she cut her hand.
  • They ______ (listen) to music when the radio ______ (break).
    They were listening to music when the radio broke.
  • Peter ______ (play) videogames when the internet connection ______ (crash).
    Peter was playing videogames when the internet connection crashed.
  • He ____ (take) a shower when the telephone _____ (ring).
    He was taking a shower when the telephone rang.
  • When her train ______ (arrive) at the station, we _____ (wait) on the platform.
    When her train arrived at the station, we were waiting on the platform.
  • It _______ (snow) when we _______ (arrive) home.
    It was snowing when we arrived home.
  • I ______ (play) when it ______ (start) to rain.
    I was playing when it started to rain.
  • When the thief ___ (fall) down the tree, he _____ (hide) from the police.
    When the thief fell down the tree, he was hiding from the police.
  • I ____ (talk) to someone when the postman _____ (deliver) my package.
    I was talking to someone when the postman delivered my package.
  • When I ________ (leave) the house, it _____ (snow).
    When I left the house, it was snowing.
  • I ______ (sleep) when you ______ (phone) this morning.
    I was sleeping when you phoned this morning.
  • I ______ (watch) TV when my mum ______ (turn) it off.
    I was watching TV when my mum turned it off.
  • I ______ (eat) in a restaurant when you _____ (call).
    I was eating in a restaurant when you called.
  • When I ______ (leave) home, my brother ______ (have) breakfast.
    When I left home, my brother was having breakfast.
  • We _____ (watch) a film when she ____ (hear) the noise.
    We were watching a film when she heard the noise.
  • He _______ (work) in a bank when he ______ (meet) his wife.
    He was working in a bank when he met his wife.
  • I _______ (look) out the window when the accident ______ (happen).
    I was looking out the window when the accident happened.