
Note and Notice signposts and Stages of the plot

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  • Match the correct signpost to this description: When an object, word, phrase, or idea gets repeated to emphasize something.
    Again and Again
  • Which signpost is connected to this anchor question: Why does this keep showing up ?
    Again and Again
  • As a character tries to solve his or her problem, the story's tension grows. The ___________ of a story is the point of greatest tension.
  • Stage five in plot is called _________________.
  • Match the correct signpost to this description: When a character stops to remember something from the past; also known as a flashback.
    Memory Moment
  • ___________________ is the final stage in most plots. All the conflicts are resolved, and the reader sees the final outcome of all the events.
  • The series of events in a narrative is called the _______________.
  • Which signpost is connected to this anchor question: How might this change things?
    Aha Moment
  • Why is it important to stop, notice, and note these things while we read?
    It will help us make connections, ask questions, and think deeper about a text.
  • Match the correct signpost to this description: When a character wonders about something that is really important.
    Tough Questions
  • Match the correct signpost to this description: When a character suddenly realizes something they didn't know or see before.
    Aha Moment
  • The _____________________ reveals the outcome of the story's climax. At this stage, the tension created by the conflict and climax is relieved.
    falling action
  • During exposition the writer also reveals the ______________, or sets the stage for it. It is the main struggle or problem the characters face.
  • What's another name for a Memory Moment?
  • Which signpost is connected to this anchor question: Why might this memory be important?
    Memory Moment
  • Which signpost is connected to this anchor question: Why is the character doing this?
    Contrast and Contradiction
  • Match the correct signpost to this description: When a character does or says something unexpected.
    Contrast and Contradiction
  • Which signpost is connected to this anchor question: What does this make me wonder about?
    Tough Questions
  • A typical plot has __________ separate stages.