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  • Jimmy walks the dogs every day.
    The dogs are walked by Jimmy every day.
  • The government will introduce new measures against crime.
    New measures against crime will be introduced by the government.
  • We are going to announce the results on Friday.
    The results are going to be announced on Friday.
  • A cup of tea... to me yesterday.
    was offered
  • A gardener is watering the flowers.
    The flowers are being watered by the gardener.
  • The heavy rain.
    was caused/ has been caused
  • So far, some changes ... by the new manager.
    So far, some changes have been made by the new manager.
  • Someone should help the old woman across the street.
    The old woman across the street should be helped.
  • The secretary opens the mail every morning.
    The mail is opened by the secretary every morning.
  • They had invited him to the cinema.
    He had been invited to the cinema.
  • The evidence police officers now. (EXAMINE)
    The evidence is being examined by the police officers now.
  • Scientists might discover a new cure for cancer.
    A new cure for cancer might be discovered (by scientists)