
Healthy bodies, grdae 4, 2024.

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  • Жай осы шақ ағылшын тілінде қалай болады? және жасалу жолы қандай?
    Жай осы шақ - Present Simple. 3 жақта, шекеше түрде He, She, It кейінгі етістіктің соңына -s, -es жалғану арқылы жасалынады
  • Біз жаттығу жасаймыз
    We do exercise
  • What is it? Is it healthy food or unhealthy food?
    It is a mushroom. It is healthy food.
  • Present Simple шағында етістіктің соңына қандай жалғау жалғанады?
    -s, -es
  • What is it? Is it healthy food or unhealthy food?
    It is a cucumber. It is healthy food
  • What is it? Is it healthy food or unhealthy food?
    It is a bar of chocolate. It is unhealthy food.
  • Ол бала көп су ішеді
    He drinks a lot of water
  • Ол бала жемістер мен көкөністер жейді
    He eats fruit and vegetables
  • Мен көп су ішемін
    I drink a lot of water
  • What is it? Is it healthy food or unhealthy food?
    It is a pizza. It is unhealthy food.
  • What is it? Is it healthy food or unhealthy food?
    It is a corn. It is healthy food.
  • Present Simple шағын қай кезде қолданамыз?
    күнделікті қайталанып отыратын іс-әрекеттер туралы айтқанда.
  • What is it? Is it healthy food or unhealthy food?
    It is a bottle of cola. It is unhealthy drink
  • Ол қыз жаттығу жасайды
    She does exercise
  • What is it? Is it healthy food or unhealthy food?
    It is a loaf of bread. It is healthy food
  • What is it? Is it healthy food or unhealthy food?
    It is a broccoli. It is healthy food
  • What is it? Is it healthy food or unhealthy food?
    It is watermelon. It is healthy food