
Focus 4 Unit 1 Live and learn

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  • __________ on a course is a good way to practise speaking a new language.
  • I only have to __________ one more exam and I can’t wait to finish!
  • Don’t give ________ on practising the piano. It will get easier.
  • What do you use to talk about present habits?
    Present Simple/ will
  • What kind of person makes it difficult for other people to concentrate because of noise and other unwelcome behaviour?
  • What do you use to talk about past states?
    used to/ Past Simple
  • Name all the verb patterns.
    verb+to infinitive; verb+object+to infinitive; verb+object+infinitive; verb+gerund
  • What kind of teacher has lot of rules and makes sure others follow them?
  • What do you call the money you get to study at university or college?
  • My father got e_________ (excluded) from school so he never went to university.
  • I don’t like having a l_________ (easy-going) teacher. Rules make me study harder.
  • You can only d_________ (broaden, increase) your knowledge if you work hard.
  • Right or wrong? When I was a kid, I would love chocolate.
    ( ✗ ) used to love
  • What do you use to talk about past habits?
    used to/ would/ Past Simple
  • If you don’t __________ a passion for a subject, it can be hard deciding what to study.
  • She’s never going to settle ________, she loves travelling too much.
  • Right or wrong? Many years ago I would like him.
    ( ✗ ) used to like
  • What do you use to talk about annoying repeated actions in the past?
    Past Continuous
  • Right or wrong? We would move into this house three years ago.
    (✗) moved
  • What happens if you only just manage to succeed in something such as an exam or test?
    You scrape through it.
  • Have you decided what you want to major ________ at university?
  • Right or wrong? I used to be a big fan of this band.
  • I think she’ll go ________ to be a doctor in the future.
  • Right or wrong? 4 We would usually visit our grandparents on Sundays.
  • I don’t like Ms Brown. She ________________ _______________ (always / yell) at us, even if we’re quiet.
    is always yelling
  • She’s extremely g_________ (talented) at art. Her paintings look like photographs.
  • What do you need to to to remember something?
    Jog your memory
  • Everyone has to __________ a dissertation during their final year of university.
  • I used to hate going out to dinner with her. She _________________________ (always / count) the calories.
    used to count/ would count
  • I’d rather work in the f_________ (area of interest) of technology than finances.
  • What do you call a person who studies very hard and likes to please the teacher?
    A swot
  • We __________ a great lecture last Saturday at the history museum.
  • What do you use to talk about annoying repeated actions in the present?
    Present Continuous
  • If you don’t do your homework, you’ll fall ________ with your schoolwork.
  • Right or wrong? Jane, please don’t make me to call your parents!
    Jane, please don’t make me call your parents!
  • What kind of person has a lot of motivation to do things, even when you don’t want to do them?