
Time management

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  • It focuses on the maximum result with the least time and effort. It is focused on the process
  • It refers to the assignment of responsibilities to other people to freeing up time to focus on higher priority activities
  • It is an organization and planning tool designed to meet the specific needs of professionals and executives
    Executive agenda
  • This is uncommitted time that should be planned in a manner consistent with your lifestyle and to accomplish the priorities in your life
    Discretionary Time
  • It is doing the right things in the right way at the right time. It is focus on the end result
  • They are a harmonious dance among your energy levels, mood, and focus that determines how productive you can be at various times
    Productivity cycles
  • Is this the real life?
    Is this just fantasy?
  • Must be handled immediately
  • Plan, produce, rest and reflect
    Productivity cycle
  • Two ways to manage the stress
    Relaxation practices and social support
  • This phrase is probably the biggest misconception centered around the term “time management”
    You can manage time
  • A work expands until it completely occupies the time allotted for its completion
    Parkinson's Law
  • It is an idea proposed by Stephen Covey in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
    10-90 principle
  • With great power comes 🕷
    Great responsibility 🕸
  • It refers to the period from when a request is submitted or a question is asked until a response is obtained or the requested action is completed
    Response time
  • Refers to the ability to efficiently and effectively manage distractions that may arise during the day, and that can affect productivity
    Interruption management