
Principles of insurance quiz

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  • Explain the term insurable interest?
    The insured must gain from the existence of the item and suffer financially from its loss
  • Explain the principal utmost good faith?
    The applicant must tell the truth
  • Can you profit from interest?
  • What principle stops you from profiting from interest?
  • ex[plain the principle subrogation
    once the insurance company has paid full compensation to the insured for a loss the insurance company has the right to any scrap value
  • what is the second principle of insurance?
    Utmost good faith
  • Explain the principle contribution
    if you insure an asset with a number of insurance companies you will not recieve compensation from each
  • What is the first principal of insurance?
    Insurable intrest
  • explain the principle indemnity?
    You cannot profit from an insurance claim
  • what is the third principle of insurance?
  • What is the fourth principle of insurance
  • what is the fifth principle of insurance