
Common Assessment #1

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  • Why does Florida stay warmer than northern states during the winter?
    It is closer to the equator, so Florida gets more direct sunlight than northern states.
  • Name a tool that measures mass.
    pan balance or a spring scale
  • When a predator's population decreases, what happens to their prey's population?
    it increases
  • What do you call it when you use of less of something to make its supply last longer?
  • How can you communicate your data from an experiment?
    Make a science board or a poster to display your data for others to see. Publish your data online or in a book.
  • What is an environmental characteristic?
    A characteristic an animal has due to their surroundings (habitat/ecosystem)
  • What do you call it when someone thinks up a plan to make a lego creation?
    a mental model
  • What are blueprints for a building? Or a drawing of a treehouse?
    two-dimensional models
  • What happens to energy stored in prey when it is eaten by a predator?
    The energy will transfer from the prey to the predator.
  • How is sunlight used in plant reproduction?
    It is used to make food that gives the plant energy to reproduce.
  • What is one way a kid could help their environment?
    Possible answers: Be less wasteful. Recycle trash when you can. Use clean energy sources.
  • What is a scientist?
    Someone who studies the natural world
  • Why do oranges grow in Florida, but not up north?
    They need a warm climate with more sunlight.
  • What is an observation?
    When you use your five senses to study something.
  • If one animal changes it's behavior after watching another animal, is that learned behavior or instinct?
    learned behavior
  • What are the stages in a complete metamorphasis?
    egg, larva, pupa, adult
  • What is the original source of all energy in a food chain?
    The Sun
  • What is a spore?
    A single tiny cell that grows into a plant
  • What is one difference between a producer and a consumer?
    Producers are plants that make their own food, consumers are animals that cannot make their own food.
  • Can flowering and nonflowering plants make seeds?
  • Put these things in order to make a correct food chain: fox, grass, rabbit
    grass, rabbit, fox
  • In a flowering plant, what comes right before a plant matures and produces seeds?
    a flower
  • Which living things make their own food, plants or animals?
  • Name a plant that grows from spores, not seeds.
    ferns, moss
  • What happens when food decreases in an animal's ecoysystem?
    The animal population will decrease.
  • When a baby animal can walk right away, is that instinct or learned behavior?
  • What are the stages in an incomplete metamorphasis?
    egg, nymph, adult